
Used to listen to various events in the game


Although there are other utilities in this module, they have been found to be unreliable and may not execute, you may be better-off using GlobalMessenger and OWEvent from the game's code to listen to base-game events.


Unity lifecycle-related events


Fires the given action on the next Update stage of the lifecycle.

public class MyCoolMod : ModBehaviour {
    public void Start() {
        ModHelper.Events.Unity.FireOnNextUpdate(() => {
            ModHelper.Console.WriteLine("This logs 1 update later!");


Fires the given action after N Updates have passed

public class MyCoolMod : ModBehaviour {
    public void Start() {
        ModHelper.Events.Unity.FireInNUpdates(() => {
            ModHelper.Console.WriteLine("This logs 10 updates later!");
        }, 10);


Keeps checking the given predicate and fires the given action when the predicate is true.

public class MyCoolMod : ModBehaviour {

    public bool Check() {
        return EntitlementsManager.IsDlcOwned() != EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus.NotReady;

    public void Start() {
        ModHelper.Events.Unity.RunWhen(Check, () => {
            var ownsDLC = EntitlementsManager.IsDlcOwned() == EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus.Owned? "does" : "doesn't";
            ModHelper.Console.WriteLine($"The player {ownsDLC} own the DLC!");


Keep in mind the predicate may be evaluated many times, so make sure to keep performance in mind when writing it.